International Media Support (IMS) is a non-profit organisation working to support local media in countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political transition. Across four continents, IMS helps to promote press freedom, strengthen professional journalism and ensure that media can operate in challenging circumstances.
IMS was established in 2001 in the wake of the tragic events in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. In the 1990s, these and other conflicts saw media being manipulated and used as a tool to fuel violent conflict. IMS was set up in response to this trend with the aim to help local media working in conflict-affected areas to remain operative and professional.
Freedom of Expression and a free press are key elements in the democratic development of a country. To achieve this, we work to enable media to reduce conflict, strengthen democracy and bring about dialogue in close partnership with local media and media support organisations nationally as well as internationally. We take a broad sector approach to media development. This means that all the building blocks that make up the media sector must be addressed to achieve well-functioning and independent media andย that ensure a free media environment, a strong media infrastructure and professional media content.
We work to:
Contactย IMS
You can contact us via e-mail at ย or by mail, fax or phone. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. If youโre looking to contactย a specific member of our staff, get an overview of who we are here.
International Media Support (IMS) Nรธrregade 18 1165 Copenhagen K Denmark | Tel.: +45 8832 7000 Fax:ย +45 3312 0099 E-mail: |