Accra, 3 May, 2018:ย The secretary of the Somali Media Association SOMA Mohamed Abdiwahab Abdullahi is at Accra, Ghana, attending the World Press Freedom Day. In the meeting, he issued a talk on the progress Somali media has made and the challenges facing it.
Mr Abdiwahab told the participants that some Somali media had received support on trainings and journalist safety, yet they are still in need of support and facilitations on skills and equipment.
The secretary stated that among the trainings required by the Somali media currently are those related to elections and safety in journalism. He appreciated the IMS/FOJO and UNESCO in their role of assisting and supporting Somali media.
The secretary held special meetings with some of the participants and the heads of the organizations that support Somali media like:
mehdi Benchelah
Senior Project Officer
Section for Freedom of Expression
Prof. Amin Alhassan, PhD
Facilty of Agribusiness& Communication Science
University for Development Studies , Tamale, Ghana
Sumir Lala
Communications for Global Practices
World Bank Group
External and corporate Relations
Myles Smith
Senior Director of Program Support
William Horsley
International Director,
Center for Freedom of the Media University of Sheffield
Jonathan Rozen
Africa Program Researcher
Aljazeera Media Network Emogummer Taha
Dr. Hassan Saeed
Head of PLHR partnerships & Research
International Media Support (IMS)
Jesper Hojberg
Finn Rasmussen
Manja Kamwi